HOSMP Spotlight – Shruti Kolli

“”Street Med has trained me to be adaptable and adventurous.”

Shruti Kolli
Shruti Kolli
– Shruti K.

My name is Shruti Kolli, and I serve as the Health Education, HIV, and Harm Reduction officer. I am actively involved in offering stigma-free care for our HIV-positive patients, coordinating community partnerships to facilitate safe needle exchange, and creating educational materials on sexual assault and harm reduction topics.

Street Med has trained me to be adaptable and adventurous– to explore areas of Gainesville I’ve never been before to find our often transient and nomadic patients, and to meet patients where they are in their medical trust and capacity. Every patient deserves high-quality, compassionate care, and I am honored to carry out this mission through the Street Medicine program.

I plan to pursue a career in Obstetrics & Gynecology while continuing my research in perinatal outcomes in underrepresented patient communities. With a lifelong commitment to community health advocacy, I plan to support diverse patients through some of their most vulnerable and transformative moments.